Central Texas Psychodrama invites you to take a look at your scenes, with the stage, actors and supporting characters all connecting as individuals and cohorts, on a journey of self-discovery. With this discovery, we invite the releasing of some old patterns and creating new ones.
These videos speak for themselves, enjoy!
Common Terms
Creativity and Spontaneity : The two common foundational goals of psychodrama.
Psychodrama : An action method for dramatizing what’s in the soul of the individual.
Protagonist : Person in the main character role for developing and enacting their own scenes and psychodrama.
Stage : The group’s physical and imaginative space for creating psychodrama.
Auxiliary : Supporting roles for the protagonist.
Double : The inner echoing or subtle intuitive voice of a participant, spoken as a backdrop to a main role, usually restated by the protagonist for any role.
Role reversal : becoming the role of the other for actual experience in the drama.
What makes us unique at CTPI?
We want you to grow and learn the method with the end in mind,
a readiness to move forward and practice this method so it keeps growing.
We adopt some of the traditions
in the Twelve Step movement, such as follows
Our common welfare comes first, we learn and heal with unity in mind
The grace of Love, referenced by different language in psychodrama,
is what we hope to keep current in our group conscience
as the source of healing, creativity and spontaneity
There's one initial goal for entering group, a desire to practice psychodrama
and grow in awareness of one's self, creatively, spontaneously
Personal growth depends on anonymity,
we hope to practice anonymity and confidentiality
Autonomy, we are free to come and go as we please,
we are free to make requests, we are free to say 'yes' or 'no,'
We are trusted servants of this creative healing art method,
earned learning hours will be honored.
We have no opinion on outside social matters
but we may bring these forward for
healing individual, group, or sociometric dramas.